Ranges through most of the eastern half of the United States, with the exception of northern New England and the southeast coast through the Florida peninsula. Parts of its northern range cross slightly across the border into Canada.
This toad inhabits open woodlands, meadows, prairies, beaches, rocky areas, and suburban gardens. It will burrow underground for the winter or when conditions become too hot and dry.
Typically a brown, warty toad with rough dry skin and large elongated parotid glands. Its back is patterned with random irregular dark spots with black borders, which turn into bands on the legs. It has large eyes with horizontal pupils. Adults have a thin light stripe down the center of their back and they reach a length of 2-3.7 inches. Its ventrum is pale and unmarked except for one dark spot on the chest.
Learn more with Schechter Natural History's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians