Endemic to California, along the Pacific coast. There are 2 distinct populations; one north and one south of San Francisco.
Damp riparian forest regions along the coast. Terrestrial adults live amongst the debris on the forest floor or in tunnels underground. Can be found at elevations up to 6,500 feet. Aquatic adults live in cool, rocky freshwater streams or lakes and ponds.
This plump, stocky salamander has a striking marbled pattern all over its body. Its background color is deep tan to rusty brown, with dark brown patterning. It can grow to 6-12 inches in total length, and has a very wide head and body. It has 4 toes on each front foot and 5 on each back foot, as well as a gular fold across the throat.
Learn more with Schechter Natural History's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians