Southern California and southwestern Arizona, through the Baja Peninsula and northwestern mainland Mexico.
This snake prefers desert and coastal rocky habitats, such as scrublands and canyons. It particularly likes granite outcroppings, and will often hide in rock crevices. It is common in riparian areas.
This snake reaches 17-34 inches in total length. It has a thick body with a small, elongated head and minimally defined neck. Its tail is short and blunt. It is named for the pink or salmon ventral coloration on some individuals. Color and pattern is highly variable and often depends on locale. In general, most have 3 longitudinal stripes on a light tan background color. These stripes can be complete and defined, or they can be broken, faded, or have jagged borders. Most have a pale ventrum with dark speckles.
Learn more with Schechter Natural History's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians