striped newt

Striped Newt

Notophthalmus perstriatus


They are native to Southeastern United States from Southern Georgia into Central Florida.


It inhabits fire-maintained habitats with sandy soil such as sand hills, scrub, scrubby flat wood and hammock ponds without fish or other aquatic predators to increase survival of their larvae, where it breeds from late winter through spring. Adults as well as larvae feed on smaller invertebrates that they can catch; larvae can feed on mosquito larvae, chiromid larvae,fairy shrimp, clam shrimps and amphipods. The adults are opportunistic feeders taking a wide variety of prey. Mating and fertilization occurs in late fall to early spring. The total number of eggs that can be laid by a striped newt is unknown but the eggs are laid one at a time so it can take several months for the female to finish laying all her eggs. Their larvae is aquatic. Striped newts breed once every year. Sexual maturity in both males and females is attained at 8-24 months. Striped newts live up to 12-15 years in the wild.


Their growth range is between 5.0 - 10.5 cm, the males are slightly smaller in weight than the females with coloration ranging from yellow-green to olive-green to black-brown with bright red dorsal stripes. The under coloration (belly) is observed to yellow with black spots. The larvae have bushy external gills, a dark blotched pattern on the tails and sides. They can seem slimy at times, with very smooth skin and tail fins as aquatic larvae, once on land their skin becomes rough and they lose their tail fins. They have slim legs with their hind legs considerably larger in males than in females. They have 4 toes on their front feet and 5 toes on their hind feet. They have two eyes with a barely distinguished neck.

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