Oxybelis microphthalmus ranges throughout Mexico's pacific coast extending up into the South East of Arizona.
This snake can be found in trees or low shrubs on considerably open, steep and grassy slopes. It can also be seen along canyon bottoms with dense vegetation. They are primarily diurnal and are excellent climbers. Their diet consists of lizards, frogs, fishes and insects. Lastly, they lay a clutch of up to 8 eggs during the summer. The eggs begin to hatch in August.
The Oxybelis microphthalmus is a long and uncommonly thin snake that grows up to about 1,620 mm. Its thin body closely resembles a vine which grants it its name. This snake’s colour ranges from grey to silver-grey or copper. It also has short, dark, dash-like lines at its mid-body. Additionally, its head is very narrow, pointed and elongated. There is a dark like which runs from its snout, through its eye and onto its neck. Also, a furrow runs from the eye to its snout on both sides of the head. This snake’s lower sides of its face tend to be bright yellow to yellow-green. This colouration runs onto the underside of its neck, till it grades into a plain cream coloured belly. Lastly, its pupils are round, and its scales are smooth.
Learn more with Schechter Natural History's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians