The Plethodon cylindraceus can be found in the Virginia Piedmont and Blue Ridge Physiographic provinces of Virginia and North Carolina. It can also be found west to the French Broad River and south to the northern Piedmont of South Carolina. Additionally, it can be found in parts of the Valley and Ridge physiographic province of the Appalachian Mountains in Western Virginia and furthermost Eastern West Virginia. Lastly, it can be found in a small area of the Atlantic Coastal Plain of eastern Virginia.
They reside under rocks and logs in various woodland habitats. They feed on springtails, flies, spiders, earthworms, snails, ants, centipedes and other insects. They breed terrestrially during the spring and summer. The female lays eggs in underground cavities. This is done during late summer and early fall. Then they remain with the eggs until they hatch. This is usually about 2 – 4 months.
This species is shiny black. It has whitish cream colored spots dispersed on the sides of its body, back, head and tail. The salamander ranges in size from 11.4 – 20.6 cm. Its glands secrete a sticky slime that sticks to your hands like adhesive. Also, it is sprinkled with silvery-white spots or brass flecks. Sometimes, it can be both. Its belly is usually lighter than the dorsum.
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