The salamander is endemic to Blue Ridge Mountains, Augusta County, Virginia only. Can be found at elevations between 579m above sea level (Lake Sherando) and 1091m above sea level (summit of Bald Mountain)
You can find this salamander in areas with heavy forests with a lot of rainfall and near freshwater sources. You can find them in habitats with warm air temperatures and cool soil temperatures. They can found in small crevices within rocks from substrates that reach below the ground. They feed on many types of invertebrates including many types of insects, spiders, snails, and even earthworms.
Averagely 4 inches (3.7 – 4.1 in.), the Big Levels salamander has a long head, longer than it is wide. The belly area is white and gray. It has a red stripe that runs on its back from its head to its tail. Sometimes the stripe may appear as orange. A part of the chin has yellow coloring and it has brown flecks and spots on the top of its head, legs, eyelids and further brass-brown flecks on the upper part of the legs. As for eye color, the upper iris has a brass color as well. They breed by direct development, so the young are very similar to adults with more or less only size to tell the difference.
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