Trans-Pecos Blind Snake is endemic to Texas, specifically, the dry portions in the western part of the state.
The Trans-Pecos blind snake is commonly found underground in deserts and scrubby regions where there are moist, loose and friable types of soil because of its need to burrow in search for shelter. To survive the intolerable high temperature during the day, it burrows down into moist soils. They are also found dwelling in sandy and arid regions, valleys, bottoms of mountains, bushy areas or even grasslands. Typically, they feed on the eggs and larvae of ants and termites which it find by following pheromone trails.
This specie of blind snake is a very small snake that could be easily confused as earthworms if not carefully examined. Apparently, the head and tail is quite difficult to tell apart although the neck is a bit narrower compared to the head. A small portion of the eyes are visible under a considerably translucent scale on the head. It has a single scale on top of the head between the scales covering the eyes. Its polished body form is enhanced by the 14 rolls of smooth and firmly fitted scale that goes round the body. Initially, the dorsal scales are usually purple and brown often with a slivery tint, while those along the sides and on the belly appear to be pale purple or pinkish in colour. It is larger than most blind snakes with a maximum or adult length of 13 inches.
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