North and central Mexico, with a small isolated population in the Santa Rita, Patagonia, and Huachuca mountains of southern Arizona.
Prefers heavily wooded habitats with plentiful leaf litter in evergreen and conifer forests at elevations of 3000-8000 feet. Likes to burrow under rocks and logs.
A small, thin snake that is primarily light tan with a grey-brown head and a cream colored horizontal band around its neck. This cream collar includes the posterior tips of the large, plate-like scales on the head (parietal scales). Ventral scales are light cream at the front of the snake, blending into a vibrant red-orange color posteriorly, and it has a small off-white patch on each cheek. It grows to a length of 14 inches and has a small, narrow head.
Learn more with Schechter Natural History's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians