The Mexican Plateau Slider is native to southwestern united states around the states of Texas and New Mexico and Northern Mexico.
The Mexican Plateau Slider also known as the Big Bend Slider can be found in the water systems of the Rio Grande, Rio Nazas and Rio Concho. These aquatic creatures love to bask in the sun and you'll find them on rocks and logs in these rivers. When threatened, they dive into the river quickly or hide in their shell when far from water. They are oviparous and lay their eggs on land. They are omnivores. The juveniles are carnivorous, but as they age tend to be more herbivorous.
The trachemys gaigeae has a carapace that ranges from 5 to 11 inches. The oval carapace is greenish-gray with black and reddish-brown markings. The plastron is greenish orange with thick black stripes running horizontally and vertically. The full body length is stripe with irregular lines of black and yellowish-brown or reddish-brown. The adult male has longer front claws while the females have shorter and more slender tails.
Learn more with Schechter Natural History's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians